
Follow Robert Irving’s travel diary as he researched the dry run for WPA’s Thailand Travel Photography Adventure. We need to be sure that what we offer as a Photo Workshop Tour actually works! To do that we research first, we get to know our contacts and guides first hand, visiting the locations, checking out the accommodation and most importantly making sure the photo opportunities are challenging and offer a great learning experience. It’s a tough call but somebody has got to do it….




The flight from London to Bangkok was painless, most of which I spent asleep, though I did get 3 hours in Dubai International, which is about as flamboyant, and gaudy an airport I have ever visited…

Any jet lag upon arrival was quashed by the sheer excitement of being in Bangkok… one crazy & confusing city, which was to become my home for the next 5 days… where I lived fairly centrally with WPA’s Bangkok representative and tour guide Khato, who soon had me understanding just how the city worked…

photocrati gallery

We spent our time together exploring the city for exciting & interesting photographic opportunities, whilst popping in on potentially suitable hotels & restaurants.

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