Travel Photographer of the Year

Travel Photographer of the Year

From fiery lava flows to a magical, snow-swirled New York street scene that echoes an impressionist painting and from the imperious gaze of an elusive, endangered Iberian lynx to wonderfully minimalist images of West Kirby, England, the winning images in the 2016 international Travel Photographer of the Year awards (TPOTY) have been revealed, and they are stunning.

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Tim Laman

Tim Laman

The Bornean orangutan was officially listed as critically endangered, there is no doubt that orangutans are on the edge of extinction. Tim Laman, winner of both the Wildlife Photographer of the Year and The Wildlife Photojournalist Award Story, shows in his tragically beautiful images the story so far.

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Anup Shah – The Mara

Anup Shah – The Mara

Shot in timeless black and white, The Mara is an intimate, atmospheric record of the ebb and flow of daily life in Kenya’s Maasai Mara National Reserve. Anup Shah has long been recognised as one of the masters of wildlife photography and here he returns to the land... read more
Jack MacGowan

Jack MacGowan

Where’s the sense of adventure? Whilst, the vast majority of my friends are in secure, full‐time jobs, here I am, pursuing dreams that to many seem like complete and utter madness. Perhaps, I am mad. However, to question the pursuit of my dreams would be to challenge... read more

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