Take time out share with us
Be our Featured Photographer or write a guest article.
Featured Photographer Series
World Photo Adventure “Featured Photographer” articles will be included on our blog. As a general rule we ask for between 300 and 500 words relating to the article or to your adventures in photography. We require 10 to 12 hi-rez images which will be used in the article, on our Facebook page and on our social media solely to promote the article. The copyright of all images and wording will remain with the author and at no time will WPA publish the images without accrediting the photographer.
What do you love about photography?
We have a twelve question drill down, some straight forward others fun and a little quirky.
My dream shoot
Don’t we all dream of that location to go shoot your favorite subject, or perhaps it’s already in the bag camera.
If I could travel in time
Ah ah! Where in time would you like to travel to, and would you be able to take your camera?
Top of your bucket list
Depending where you are in your life this question turns up some interesting answers.
Why we do it?
Because we like to expose you!
Reasons To Be A Photographer
Inspiration, inspiration, inspiration!!!
As a young photographer I poured over photographic books and articles in photo magazines and often wondered how a photographer had managed to achieve the fantastic results I was looking at – that gave me the inspiration to go out and try something different, or I had found the answer to something I had been trying to achieve. In short it was inspirational.
Reasons To Share
World Photo Adventure has made a commitment to showcase work of photographers who have created exceptional images which will help others who aspire to do the same.
What our photographers say
We have had some great feedback – here’s a couple.
“Amazing. Thanks very much. Cracking stuff! Appreciate the feature greatly”
“I really like the post. I’m so chuffed. I have already shared the links with my friends and family. ”